We started this journey many years ago, knowing that our daughter was waiting for us somewhere in China. That journey began in 2004, but after a setback healthwise, we had to pull out, thinking our hopes were dashed forever. Then in late 2005, with renewed purpose and strength we again began the process of our adoption. We were logged into China March 28th, 2006, and were matched with our Dear Daughter, October 13th, 2009. GOTCHA 12/14/09 Forever Ours 12/15/09


Took this with my i phone during dinner. We are celebrating not only New Years Eve, but Dave's B'day as well..... and my nephew too..... Rhonda, (my Sister), im'd me a photo of Elliott, and his girlfriend taken during their celebratory dinner..... I had Baylon in a highchair, feeding her dinner, and took an impromptu photo..... this is what I got. She remains the most lovable, funny, and quirky gal you could meet., and I keep asking, how is all of this in the package of a 14 month old??????????????????????????????????

So, we're looking at New Year's Eve.... but you can't have that without closing out the year behind you.....
We have dealt with many things in the past...... and all the while, we were waiting for our daughter, not understanding why our referral was seemingly going backwards in time.... BUT, there could have been no other time...... We are relishing in the epitomy of DESTINY..... and this child, is and has always been our daughter.

I have to admit, I got quite frantic for a couple of days.... perhaps it was jetlag, on my part, and definitely my daughters... I suddenly panicked about what to do, when to do it, and if I was doing it right...... suddenly I was asking permission to do the things that went against the grain of some...... but was in my heart to do.
When I finally asked the professionals... the people I was paying to take care of Baylon and ourselves.... they reiterated, what I had already known..... I was so afraid to coddle her, spoil her, and just relish in this special time that can never be again........ and suddenly I was questioning.... "oh gosh, she wants to be held AGAIN...... when in my heart I wanted to run to her....... BUT, there was this, "DON'T SPOIL HER" in my head........ suddenly I wasn't acting from my gut, but from my head..... when we went to see the Doc's.... and also spoke with my Social Worker, who, after 4 years of reminding me what papers had to be renewed, I somehow thought that was her specialty............ but NO, SHE KNOWS ALL THIS STUFF...... and what I got was just what was in my heart.... and you know what.... as soon as I acted with my heart, Baylon settled down....... tonight, she went to bed with a bottle, (IN HER OWN CRIB),.... that was it......... no drama, no worries..... just drifted off to sleep.......... HAPPY NEW YEAR ........HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE....... I think we CAN be GREAT parents....... I just want to close with this.... I'm beside myself with joy... I'm elated beyond recognition....... I'm tearful as I type, because I've never been this happy...... I'm in love with this baby, I'm in love with my daugher, I'm in love with my LIFE !!!! Truly Blessed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kristen said...

Congrats on your daughter! My daughter is also from Jiangxi, and was in foster care & very attached to her FM...that separation is traumatic for your dd, follow your instincts! You are not going to spoil her! She needs to bond with you, & trust that you are going to be there for her.
My dd is 4 now, I wish I cold go back & do some things over....and I already had a (bio) child. Congrats again, she is gorgeous!

Michele said...

I am glad that you are getting into a "groove" with your girl. You're a good Mom, just follow your instincts. There are some differences with parenting a newly adopted child than parenting a bio child, specifically with the "spoiling" factor. Don't let people tell you what to do or how to feel....follow your gut, comfort your girl, reassure her, and don't be afraid to "spoil" her. You WON'T!!!! You are doing a great job!!! Happy New Year!