We started this journey many years ago, knowing that our daughter was waiting for us somewhere in China. That journey began in 2004, but after a setback healthwise, we had to pull out, thinking our hopes were dashed forever. Then in late 2005, with renewed purpose and strength we again began the process of our adoption. We were logged into China March 28th, 2006, and were matched with our Dear Daughter, October 13th, 2009. GOTCHA 12/14/09 Forever Ours 12/15/09

Somewhere around 2 A.M. 12/28/09

This picture was taken just a couple of minutes ago.... that was before I placed her on my lap, and before, those very quick little fingers deleted the post I was typing right now....... so with patience at a stand still, I'm not going to retype.......

Baylon is still on China time, and having a very difficult time adjusting.......... so, I'm off to put her back to bed, as she just finished a warm bottle I gave her, hoping this will help send her off to dreamland........ the Saga of a very new, OLD, Mom will continue another time :).


Michele said...

take her for long walks outside, no matter how cold it is. Bundle her up and go. Even if she sleeps through the walk, it will get her body clock readjusted to the time zone being in direct sunlight. LOVE all of your posts. You brought me back to my own two adoptions...jet lag and all. It will get better, just follow your gut!
(I couldn't let them cry it out either. I rocked both of my girls to sleep for a LOOOONG time and loved every minute of it)

Brandy said...

Things don't go according to plans, kid has other ideas, second guessing yourself, wondering where routine and normalcy had disappeared to...welcome to mummyhood. I think you're doing a great job 8)