Our flight to Guangzhou on Friday Evening was delayed and sooooo crowded. This was the first flight that the babies had to endure, and a precursor to what lie ahead for the long, VERY LONG flight home. The baby's were awesome. Outside of a few minor squalls and one projectile vomit, (not mine :), we were home free.
The weather in Guangzhou, the weather that we were so looking forward to, the warm sunny weather, turns out to be cold, so, we are suffering, (NOT), in the range of 60-ish degrees, and definitely sunny.
I believe that it would have to be a major something, as China certainly does want our little girls to go home. We've become their legal parents, and they absolutely want them out.
Here's one glitch to the new Hague families....... inoculations are mandatory before entering the U.S. , yeah, that's right....... thank your U.S. Gov't. for enacting that one. It seems in our group, 7 out of 8 of the families, were still under the old guidelines, and technically for those in the know, the I-600 families. For that one family whose paperwork, (I-600) expired, they had to renew under the new rules, mandating them an I-800 family, and now, the new rules that the U.S. has instituted, requires that this family give their daughter several inoculations. That's right, a difference in paperwork made one unfortunate baby a pin cushion and recipient of China's versions of inoculations, whereas, the other 7 baby's can go home, and deal with getting vaccinated on U.S. soil, by U.S. Doctor's. Great going for our home team...... this absolutely sucked for this family, and again, this poor baby. THIS LAW NEEDS TO BE CHANGED, contact your Congressman.
More "hurry up and weight".
This was Baylon just before her turn. Wouldn't ya know, she goes in, and when one of the Doctor's tried to check her eyes, she kicks him square in the crotch...... needless to say, I had to restrain her, that is after the Doc was able to regain his composure. So happy my girl can take care of herself. She'll do just fine in her new role as a New Yorker !

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