We started this journey many years ago, knowing that our daughter was waiting for us somewhere in China. That journey began in 2004, but after a setback healthwise, we had to pull out, thinking our hopes were dashed forever. Then in late 2005, with renewed purpose and strength we again began the process of our adoption. We were logged into China March 28th, 2006, and were matched with our Dear Daughter, October 13th, 2009. GOTCHA 12/14/09 Forever Ours 12/15/09
12/29/08 New Referrals ???????? DATE and DRUMROLL PLEASE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am besides myself with joy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm waiting on the edge of my seat...... I've heard that the referrals have started to roll in, BUT, my agency usually tells us the cutoff date and they've yet to do this........ and this worries me. I am praying that all of February is gone, AND MARCH IS FINALLY UP............ O H PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE !!
This would truly be the best end to an upsetting year......:)
Pirate steals another point AAAAAARRGH !!!

To finish a champion, you need 15 points, and of those 15 points, you need to win in something called a Major........ actually you need to win 2 majors. I'm still so new at this, I barley understand it all myself, let alone be able to explain it........ so forgive me.......... BUT, Pirate will show again this coming weekend, on Saturday and Sunday in Fitchburg, MA, and it's likely to be a Major................. so cross those dew claws............ for Pirate to win !!!!!
November 9th......... Rhonda's new addition :)

November 7th, 2008 Another Dream Realized

November 3rd, 2008 Still in Florida

Pirate loves the water !
Ahhhhh, The Pro Shot Arrived :)

August 31, 2008 *** BEST OF BREED !!!!!!!!

Today,(9/1/08) Winners Dog went to Cumano, and BW, and BOB went to Brava, both from Briards of the Coastline, and Ellen Jo's Briards......... Congrats Ellen :).
We are gearing up for the National Specialty at the end of the Month........ hundreds of Briards, and a week of fun and partying........ we'll go in style too, just bought a 2008 Toyota Sienna XLE AWD Mini Van.......... hopefully this baby......... OUR BABY...... :), will be here soon......... cuz we're gearin' up !!!!! WHOO HOO !!!!!
Time for smiles and snuggles again

Here he is from just 5 months ago....... but his soulful eyes remain the same..... I just have to dig for them ~ hehehe. His color tag was black and blue, hence his nickname the first two Months was Bruiser.................... now the only one getting bruised around here is me :) He doesn't know his own strength.........

This was a video from Father's Day '07
Dad's sense of humor permeates this video.......... it's hard to imagine how things can change in such a short time........... we had a wonderful day !
My Baby Will Never Know Grandpa *6/29/27 - 7/21/08*

Dad had a horrific year, and if it wasn't one thing, it was another......... he passed suddenly in a slip and fall injury, suffering blunt trauma to his head..... it is with great saddness that I type these words........ my future little girl will NEVER know "My Daddy" ! I just can't believe that after all of the time in healing, surgery after surgery, complications from surgery in a recurrence of colon cancer, he finally goes home to Florida to start somewhat a new, and bam........ You just never know what's around that corner. (maybe that's why he tripped, he missed something around that corner).. I hope you don't think that this is in bad taste, but my Dad would have thought that was funny
He was a strong willed, pig-headed pain in the butt, but one of the most talented men that I will ever have the honor to know and to love, and to call Father. There is a huge gaping hole in my heart at this time.
He had a sense of humor, loved to be the center of attention, sang his heart out and always got standing ovations........ I often feel that his love, and intentions were misdirected. I wish I could say that they were mis-understood, but that's just not so, as often, in my mind, he didn't do the right thing........ BUT, regardless of all of his short comings.... now in retrospect, I wouldn't have traded him for another Father, as he is the reason I'm who I am today........ a big pain in the butt, nope, only kidding......... there I go trying to emulate his sense of humor again........, don't think it works as good for me :(........
I'm going to miss you Daddy......... Rest in Peace, and don't make too much trouble for yourself in Heaven...... for once, go with the flow, and do as you are instructed....... ahhhhhhh, this does remind me of something else.... must just be so brain fried from this whole week..... Pop's missed his own funeral...... yep, he certainly did. He was scheduled to fly out of Florida last Wednesday, during all of the inclement weather patterns on the East Coast..... he got bumped for some engine parts that were needed urgently for another Jet in New York........ then he was placed on a later flight, that never made it off the ground......... he was late for his own funeral, and we had to reschedule for the following day. Looking back, now I just smile, as Dad being such a difficult and controlling individual here on Earth, remained true even beyond......... BUT, we laughed again, as the next day, when we finally had the service, which was an outdoor gravesite service, Dad knew & was right...... he didn't want to be buried in the rain....... he wanted Sunshine, and that's what he got. Always the jokester....... he even pulled strings in the after life......... Daddy, I miss you !
Love Shelley - your favorite........ :)
July 11, 2008 Pirate's Debut

We are both needless to say........ EXHAUSTED. This day, has been incredible, and more fun than I've had in a VERY LONG TIME. ... my thanks to his Breeders......... Penny Morris, and Kathy Lanam, but also to Ellen Jo Myers............ who's dog won Best In Breed today.......... AND, then went in against all of the other Herding Dog Winners, and FANTASTIC NEWS.........Ellen's Dog Won Best in Group.
Monday July 7, 2008
Reviewed through: January 31, 2007
Placed through: January 25, 2006
Another 4th Come and Gone

Happy 4th of July, AND, Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary
It's so hard to imagine that the last 5 years have gone by in such a flash..... that is, until you start to count those calendar months in terms of a China Log In Date..... then it drags at a snails pace. But, today we celebrate, not only the 4th of July, but our 5 year Wedding Anniversary.We have the cutest little Stars and Stripes outfit, that every year I pull out and take a ganDer at.It's so adorable, a little patriotic shorts set, with matching stars and strips sandals....... every year I imagine Baylon running around in this outfit on our special day. Every year, I say next year will be our year..... but that case scenario has been playing out for 4 years now. China has been surprising people with older children too....... perhaps she won't even fit in this outfit, when the time comes. Perhaps she will be a he............. oh well, stranger things have happened...... Well, here's to all of the families celebrating the 4th of July, through the eyes of their adoptive Chinese Children........... here's to all of the families, just celebrating being families.Funny, our next door neighbor gave birth to a little boy a couple of days ago, and I think that she is due to bring John home this day........ so there is much to be thankful for.
Here's to viewing this day through the eyes of a child and being blessed with laughter, health, and FAMILY................. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAVE, I LOVE YOU !!!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY - EVERYONE !!!!
July 1, 2008
June 27, 2008

This was embedded in Henry's foot, this is what, in the end, cut his life short!

Two new Osprey Poles are going in, in your honor.........
I did love you !
Rest in peace dear Henry......!

People have got to realize that everything that they discard goes someplace......... next time you need to lose something, think about where it might end up................

Many times a day, I look out through this door, where I have a telescope strategically positioned....... honed right in on the nest. For three Summers now I've witnessed the cycles of life, and for three Summers, I've watched in awe, as these same two glorious male and female Osprey's, have propagated their species......... This is the view from our bedroom window.... off in the distance you can see the hint of an Osprey pole. We've got 3 baby's currently thriving. Two years ago, gosh or is it three.... ah yes, it was three summers ago, we had a horrific accident take place in the nest. A baby Osprey got tangled in some fishing line, hooks, etc., that the Mom and Pop Osprey used to line the next.
If you search my archives you will find my story.......... BUT, this post is about fulfilling a promise I made to honor poor little Henry's life......... yep, I named him........ anyway, we have the poles all ready to go..... we built them last Fall with the help of the illustrious Jim Jones..... google him and you'll find some things about him. He's singlehandedly been helping to rebuild the Osprey population on Long Island for years. Anyway, I've picked out the weekend of July 26th...... cross your fingers that I can FINALLY pull this off......... got my sights all picked out, and we will have an old fashioned barn raising...... and raise the roof upon completion........ Henry, this is for you......... hope for good weather, and strong eager dedicated people!
Almost 4th of July..... Almost our 5 year Wedding Anniversary
watch your volume, I will end up yelling for them.
Well here's my guys at Coindre Hall, an old Gold Coast Estate that to date still has managed to evade getting a fenced in doggie run. We want to keep it an open dog run, but the surrounding neighbors seem to find fault with it.
Pirate is scheduled for his first dog show ever. He'll be at the Riverhead Dog Show in July, AND, if he manages to go around the ring without trying to tackle me, or rip my clothes off, we then get to the next hurdle, me not falling on my face.
We shall see..... :)
June 4, 2008
It's All Going To The Dogs 5/21/08

Took our Pirate to a couple of dog shows this weekend. Saturday, was the Planting Fields, and it was a beautiful day. This is a shot from Roslyn, I believe that we were at the Roslyn Museum.
It was so cute, and I'm so sorry that we didn't take a picture, but, the parking was a bit of a distance from the show, and they had yellow school buses to take us to the destination...... well, Pirate just jumped up into the window seat, and I really should have had Dave take his picture from outside looking out the window. I've never known the World of dog shows...... but am loving every minute of getting Pirate ready for his debut in a couple of Months. Today was his first handling class, and he did great......... call name Pirate, but welcome Pennylane Classique Corsair's Booty, A Pirate Tail.....................

Looking Ahead / Taking One Day At A Time 5/16/08

Well, it's Friday night nearly 7 PM e.s.t., and I've just watched the World News and scouted out info on China.......... they focused on a woman that lost her son in the collapsed school....... and how many of the families that lost children, lost their only child, due to China's one child policy.
How awful....... so we sit here, and are thankful for our tiny circle here remaining intact........ and wondering how it will all unfold.
The newscaster just mentioned the Bejiing Olympics........ how can they even continue to talk about who gets to compete, and even think about the Olympics......... am I wrong? Maybe, perhaps life needs to go on in the face of any and all disparaging times...........
I sit here and can not help but feel a bit selfish, as I wonder how all of this will play out in terms of our adoption, and that is extremely dissatisfying....... I feel very shallow...... I want, what I want....... we've waited 27 months thus far....... that's right, we're 27 months dtc today...... I need to take a step back and remember, peoples lives are at stake..... I pray for the people of China tonight. Their futures have all changed........ has ours?
Earthquakes, Cyclones and Tornadoes 5/15/08
My heart bleeds for everyone waiting to pick up their child.......... my mind reels with painful frightening possibilities for the safety of everyone..........
Then there's the cyclone ravaged Myanmar. These people not only suffered Mother Natures indignations...... now they are at the mercy of their closeminded paranoid Government. How many will die from pure neglect, lack of supplies, basic necessities of food and water?
Our own fellow citizens here in the U.S. too are suffering from all of the storms in the midwest as of late, it's so very sad. Very, VERY sad................ makes me want to hug and squeeze my family even more, right this very minute.
Sorry for the spelling errors........... just too darn lazy to look things up, is there a spell check attached to this blogger site??????????????????
If you're reading this, and if you're safe, and resonably happy, even if you're unhappy.......... please be thankful.......... things can always get worse. Your World as you know it right this very minute, could be ripped out from under you, and we all need to be thankful. Okay........ off my soapbox.
May 8th, 2008

Referrals have arrived, and log in dates have grown to include the 12th of January '06 I believe. CONGRATS TO ALL, wish it was us.......... hehe, but I suppose we'll get there in time.
Some thoughts regarding when we will get our referrals are leaning towards Christmas, which sounds mighty fine to me.
In the meantime, we're here, coasting along. Haven't begun the nursery even to this date......... what are we in our 26th month of paper pregnancy?
We are concentrating on the house, business, and puppies..... still much to be done since our reconstruction.
So, that's it for now.......... my thoughts and prayers are sent out to all the little babies waiting for their Mommy's and Daddy's to hold them and heal their pains.........
Happy upcoming Mother's Day to all, especially those first time Mom's..........
Just gotta keep on keepin' on I suppose 4/23/08

Last Weekend... Easter Sunday
March 20th..... Our One Month Anniversary Together, I'm helping my Mom dance the China Crawl - so WE WAIT AND PLAY
But, I sit, and ponder the future........... hmmmn......... I SOOOOOO WANT TO PLAY NOW :).