Took our Pirate to a couple of dog shows this weekend. Saturday, was the Planting Fields, and it was a beautiful day. This is a shot from Roslyn, I believe that we were at the Roslyn Museum.
It was so cute, and I'm so sorry that we didn't take a picture, but, the parking was a bit of a distance from the show, and they had yellow school buses to take us to the destination...... well, Pirate just jumped up into the window seat, and I really should have had Dave take his picture from outside looking out the window. I've never known the World of dog shows...... but am loving every minute of getting Pirate ready for his debut in a couple of Months. Today was his first handling class, and he did great......... call name Pirate, but welcome Pennylane Classique Corsair's Booty, A Pirate Tail.....................

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