Damn....... our floor guy, miscalculated by that, thar amount.... and now, I have to set up my little finishing shop all over again, and do this one piece.... why is that one little extra hurdle always so much bigger and a pain in the butt.
Anyway, the floor was a bit busier than I anticipated, but with a rug down and Baylon's furniture, it hopefully won't be too busy. Then there's the topic of color. It's very loud, and I was originally going to do the moldings around the window the same as the baseboard, but, apparently, the trim around the closets isn't natural wood, as the rest of the trim, courtesy of my X contractor..... so, I had to try something different....... we went with another color, a purpleish, color pulled out of the trim. In fact, all of the colors are exactly from the trim above the windows. Anyway, the purple isn't working for me........ so I've tried to match a new paint color to the baseboard and crown mouldings...... that will be a project for next week, or perhaps tomorrow..... but don't really think so.
Now, this brings me to the horrible part of today. Besides the fact that my husband has the flu, my older dog Kirby, of 17 years, decided she wanted to visit the emergency room and have surgery, in leu of making the journey to Heaven, which nearly happened today, as she bloated...... a condition that affects numerous breeds and is a horribly quick, but very painful death. Luckily my husband spotted her distress, and notified me, and I ran home, (was out running errands), and rushed her to the Vet. Bloat kills I'd say maybe more dogs than not...... as it's not often easy to spot, and by the time you do, it's often too late. Anyway, she had an emergency procedure, that worked....... right now, she's back home, still has a catheter in, but hopefully tomorrow it will be removed.
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