This is Kirby.......... she's pretending that none of this is happening........ check back tomorrow, as you might just see a picture of me hiding in the corner of my bedroom too.

This was once a very neat, very organized, tidy storage area that Kirby trashed, acting out in response to the puppy's arrival......... but somehow, these days, I feel that it will happen again if I am not careful. Oh and did I mention that she ripped up brand new carpet in the Guest Room, currently known as Dad's room, ugggh. The area will be our future Master Bath complete with Steam Shower and seperate Steam Sauna and a whirlpool...... THAT I NEED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are my two girls, not the greatest picture, I'll have to change that one.

I'm trying to remain optimistic, and I usually am EXTREMELY optimistic, but I am suddenly the caretaker for my aging Father. He HAS a home, and he even has a significant other......... then why is he here you might ask?????
She refused to take care of him, as he's more than she cares to, or can handle. I on the other hand have opened up my home and my heart to him. Things would be great, if he would just act as grateful as he claims to be. Instead, he is bullheaded, mean, and at times he's making me crazy. My pressure has gone through the roof, and there are many times where I'm realizing that he does need to go.
It's just not me that feels this way. His energy has overtaken my home, and what was a happy place now seems sad. My poor husband has been wonderful but is vastly approaching the envelope. He doesn't appreciate the way my Dad is nasty to me, and barks out orders...... I don't believe that my Dad is very stable. Then there is how it's affecting my animals....... I have an older dog Kirby, now granted the picture that I'm showing of a destroyed room, is not from this episode, but it will explain how she feels. My puppy has started to hide behind things, and bark incessantly..... she's almost 6 months old.
Yesterday, my Dad in a huff shouted out that he was leaving and going back to his significant other, (someone that refused to take care of him). Then he spoke with her, and suddenly he's yelling that he wants to go to a rehab.......... When he calmed down, he said he just needed more time.
I would love to give this man all of the time in the World that he needs, but he is abrasive, and abusive, (verbally). He makes my pressure rise 9 out of 10 times. I also have my own health issues to think about as I am a Breast Cancer survivor, but that is another story for another time.............. I think I had better start looking up rehab facilities, but something tells me if he's been released from a hospital, it's now too late.
Oh well, it's early here in New York, and although I'm ready to cry, morning has always been my favorite time of the day, as it's fresh and new. Morning brings about endless possibilities................. hopefully, when I open the door to my Dad's room, I will find a new man with a smile on his face, that will last the day.
Congrats on your new blog!
Oh my goodness girl. We have so very much in common. My father has cancer and is the VERY same way. I finally had to turn him over to my sister. He got very ugly with me. I help all I can, but he honestly brings me to tears. My sister is about to go insane, but she will not agree to let us get him help. Why can't we give him medication for his nerves I ask you? I know he is in pain but WOW my mom died of Cancer and she was helping my dad up until the very end......it's so hard. Sending you some much needed hugs!! Feel free to visit my blog...my father has also told me not to post information about him ...to quote "On that damn thing."
Janet Carey from March dtc group here. Just started reading your blog--love the dog pix--and what caught my eye was your comment that rehab might not be possible if your dad has been released from the hospital. My MIL's long-term care insurance allows for rehab either way--straight from a hospital or not. May be worth checking out on your end. I wish you peace.
Janet Carey
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