Babies, Babies & More Babies.............. well, it appears that the referrals for our fellow adoptive waiting parents have arrived, or shall I say trickled in. Apparently, there only seems to be a few days worth, and they may have just completed the Month of November '05...... which took about 6 or 7 months to get through I might add, so, we'll move on to a happier topic....... or possibly, NOT!!!!!
Bunnies, Bunnies, and More BUNNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you've been following along, and read some of the other archived posts, my Dad has been recuperating at our home.......... just about 6 weeks now. One day, he decided that my husband Dave needed a new lawnmower........, well, we'd just purchased one of those environmentally green, push mowers, but our lawn is so lumpy, my father saw Dave going over and over the same section a million times, trying to get an even cut. His suggestion, go buy a new lawnmower on him.......... he couldn't be disuaded, so off we went. We really weren't too sure about this, there's a million other things that we could use, ie. a power washer, new stove, baby furniture...... I could go on, and on, but this post needs to be short.
Off we go to purchase a new mower, and after shopping around, we finalized our purchase, and lucky for Dad, a sale was in effect. Well, we have this brand spanking shiny new RED mower, just waiting to be fired up.
Dave decided to mow the lawn a couple of days later, while I was taking Dad to one of his MANY Doctors appts............ I get a somewhat disturbing phone call from Dave, saying that he started to mow with our Virgin lawnmower, and not long after beginning, a teeny, weeny, baby bunny kinda comes shooting out from under the mower......... Dave's upset, and asked what I thought that he should do, as the bunny just looked a little dazed and confused. I suggested that he place the bunny in a box for safe keeping till I could get back and give him the once over.
Good advice, well taken.......... so Dave rescues the baby bunny and safely places him in a box, smartly using a towel, so as not to touch the little guy. BUT, damn it, my dear conscientious hubby wants to finish the darn lawn, and has no idea where the bunny came from. He looked around for some holes, found none, and thereby resumed the task at hand. No sooner having begun again, another bunny comes shooting out, only this one, didn't fare as well........ Dave placed him in the box, next to his sibling, and noticed a little bit of blood on it's foot. Then came the phone call............. what should I do................ I frantically said forget the lawn, and bring those poor babies to the Vet........ who I called as soon as I hung up the phone with Dave.
Okay, in as much as I love happy endings, this story just quite doesn't cut it. The second bunny's foot got mangled, and after much protesting on my part to the Vet. stating that I will pay to have it tended too, and then adopt the bunny, giving it the best life I can, seein' that we ruined it's poor life to begin with, but the Vet disuaded us......... and after my Osprey failure, I didn't want to torture the poor baby any longer and agreed to the euthanization.
Now, here's where it gets a bit tricky......... we have the one remaining bunny, that is thankfully okay, and needs to be returned to it's hole....... not only are we coached on the procedure from our Vet. on the exact steps to take, we call the Wildlife rescuers and further our education.
We're told to glove our hands, and then rub them in the dirt and grass......... pick up the baby bunny and place it back at it's hole, which after mangling the second bunny, Dave had the exact location. So, we wait till late afternoon, waiting a bit, as the bunny Mom, usually will make a visit either in the early morning, or evening, sometimes both, but to give a milk feeding to the babes. These little ones, were old enough to be on their own as the white spot, which is a sign and sits atop their little heads was gone, and their eyes were completely open........... okay, so, evening rolls around and it's time to complete our mission, return bunny to hole. We creep out to the hole in stealth mode, pick up the bunny and place him in the hole, but not only does he jump out and start to run around screamin' bloody murder, another baby bunny pops out. Now we've got two hysterically screaming hares running for their life........ do you know just how loud a teeny weeny baby bunny can scream................ it's deafening........ well, not really, but it is quite loud.
Well, now, if you could have seen Dave and I scrambling around trying to catch these things, which we finally do, and creep back up to the hole to try again................. when two more bunnys pop out of the hole giving us a total of four itty bitty, little teeny weeny bunny hopping around our lawn..................... jeeeezzee, now what................
We finally round up the bunnies, but we in no way are going to make that mistake again. We put all four in a box................. place the box on it's side within a few feet of the original hole, which is also sheltered by some very full Crepe Myrtle bushes that we have. Okay, task finished......... hopefully the Momma Bunny will return, and coax them all back in the hole.
The next morning, I couldn't contain myself, and had to run out to the hole at first light. Two bunnies remained in the box........ I prayed that the other two, were either in the hole, or hiding somewhere....... not that I want bunnies running all across our property, my puppy seems to love to taste bunny poop, but I won't let a hare on their head get hurt........... pun intended.
Well, after I'm sure the Mom won't be back for the day, I turn the box upright and close it somewhat so that the babies can get a decent days sleep, and then later on I'll figure out just what I really need to do............... BUT, later that day, late afternoon, I snuck out to have a peek, and wouldn't you know it, great photo op, and I didn't bring the camera............ there were two tiny huddled babies on the outside of the box.................... and two inside. The remaining two found their siblings and huddles through the cardboard.
Come Evening, the two outter bunnies were gone, and I set the box back on it's side. In the morning, all bunnies were gone, and I took away the box...................... I don't care if we have 10 feet of grass....... this lawn won't be mowed till Spring.
My new lawnmower is jinxed....................
Dela is having her pups as I type. I'm in love with Higgins, and would love to have a puppy from him.................... so far, she's had two pups, and both are males. It seems to have been hours since the first two, so I hope that all is well. Look at how cute and beautiful Dela and Higgins are at the top of the page on their first date, the date that consumated these puppies................. Can't wait to hold my pup for the first time.......... but just like our adoption, I have no idea when that will be :(
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