Well, I'm almost there in the Osprey Pole Installation. Thought I had all of my Ducks in a row, so to speak, but apparently, there are other forces at work......... so far to recap....... after last years rescue of the Baby Osprey, I named Henry- which didn't end up going according to plan........ the rescue did, but Henry's injuries were far too serious, and he eventually had to be euthanized. Months, and months of care, and expert care at that, from Veterinarians from many renound institutions..... ie, the Bronx Zoo. I vowed to make a difference and commemorate him by installing two new poles in the area to further propagate the Osprey Population. All of this under the expertise of Mr. Jim Jones, my Osprey Mentor. For more info regarding my work on this project, look under the archives to the right for August. Pics of Henry there as well!!!!
Well, we FINALLY built the poles, but now they need to be installed. Moving them alone is a project. I finally was able to set up the use of a friends flatbed truck. Tim, owns Autobahn, and auto body shop....... well, we set up the delivery of these poles, which are soooooo heavy and require big robust men :).
With everything almost in place, in trying to schedule the crew to help put these poles up, which is just like a Barn Raising....... you need a bunch of good men and women....... or many kids, hehehe. Anyway, it was almost in place, planned around a low tide, and voila........ it happens to be our Towns yearly event, called Cow Harbor Day. They have a 10 K run right through my neighborhood, roads closed, and traffic at a standstill..... the day needs to be changed. Oh well, we will try again in two weeks, on the weekend of the 29th of September...... cross your fingers, toes, and all crossable body parts, a years work nearing an end, I want to sit back and close the chapter with a smile and a beer.